Every geographical location, both the community, the community or the nation has its own unique demands, challenges, opportunities and responsibilities and therefore requires its own custom approach to education as an original solution in fulfilling its mentality, physical, social, moral, social, moral. and the cultural needs of its people.
The concept of an educational approach of indigenous peoples comes from understanding that, “every nation or community is unique and different from others and has a distinctiveness in political, social, economic and cultural demands.” Thus, the education approach to each community or nation must be 80% of the original as a means of empowering its people to rise with the challenges of meeting their national socio-economic and cultural needs, with 20% of international standard education to facilitate. cross cultural interaction and global exchange.
There is no nation that should depend entirely to others because of his education approach. Inspiration 20% is enough from outside, while each country needs to develop 80% of customary approaches to education as a step towards achieving political, social and economic independence relative to its unique demands, challenges, opportunities and responsibilities.
Advantages of the educational approach of indigenous peoples!
Independence: There is great power in independence of people. Independence in this sense is the situation in which a nation develops its uniqueness and individuality at the level of solving itself. The educational approach of indigenous peoples will definitely develop a country’s individuality because it is designed to be in accordance with the demands of politico-socio-economic and cultural related to a country. It is a country that can talk about independence.
Any independence can be expressed by the uniqueness and individuality of the community or the nation is a slogan. There are many countries and communities, who have never experienced true independence because their socio-economic systems are imported from other communities and contracted countries through their borrowed education systems.
Note: No Nation can develop on the principles and policies adopted.
The educational approach of a nation forms the nation’s civilization. The education system borrowed will only prepare citizens to live in their countries to borrow their educational concepts from not because they apply what they learn in their own environment may be difficult. This is the fate of many people developing when residents they find it difficult to live in their country because of the mentality they get from school opposite what their country asked.
Custom leader!
There is no community or a nation that can achieve true independence with the absence of traditional leaders, individual citizens whose potential has developed to the point they can direct the desties of their country’s socio-economic politico.
When the educational approach of the community or the nation is borrowed, it can only produce second-class citizens, which must submit to the external influence in directing and managing the affairs of their country’s socio-economic politicians.
Indigenous leaders are the pride of every nation. They are visionary, revolutionary, pioneering, and independent thinkers with legendary contribution to the community and development of their nation.
Indigenous civilization!
Civilization is global, but can have nationalist dimensions. Every nation needs civilization relative to the political needs of socio-socio-culture and its environment. Such civilizations can only be born from within a country as a result of the contribution of indigenous peoples from its citizens.
No one knows the nation like nation people. Thus, the best solutions and answers can be provided better by the nation’s indigenous peoples in all fields.
Discovery and maximizing custom potential!